At work we are currently going through a migration to modernize from a .net 4 winforms app to a modern web app with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and .net core on the backend. Part of this is also making our permissions more manageable and centrally applied so the same logic is not in 6 different places.
When setting up this blog I wanted to try something. Could I set up a static site using just an iPad instead of my desktop. This wasn’t an experiment to see if I could replace my desktop, this was because my kids didn’t want to stop playing their computer games long enough for me to get this up and running. I had an iPad laying around and a Bluetooth keyboard and time. I spent so much time wondering if I could, I never though if I should.
A couple weeks ago my hosting provider ghosted me. Site gone, support gone, prepaid hosting refunded, just gone. Guess that $4 VPS for 3 years was too good to be true.
Recently I have been working on an API and wound up running into an issue where a third party application would happily take “Invalid” XML and continue on the way. The main culprits were out of spec acceptance of boolean and date fields.
Recently I was working on the API gateway and ran into an issue while trying to use Auto Mapper. It was working well until I was trying to map some XML from one name space to another.